Monday, January 18, 2010

My Batman picture number 11936

Today I scanned my BATMAN pictures collection, registered with number '11936' in my Fantasy Pictures Database. It from our National Newspaper "JAWA POST", and tell us about a 'real-size' BATMAN statue.

My Batman picture number 11940

My fantasy pictures number 11940: BATMAN toys from Japan.

A view of my BATMAN scrapbook page.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A pair of BATMAN Sandals

At the end of 2009 me and my family went to our village, where my wife's family live. The place at mount KELUD village, Blitar, East Java. I found this sandals and take the pictures because they have BATMAN pictures!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A boy with BATMAN Suit for year 2010

I got this picture when me and my family went to BLITAR CITY, East Java, Indonesia. This boy was play with his family too, at our 'City Center'.